Unlimited networks (II)
We can edit the nt
function to make graphs and compute nodes and network properties.
First, let’s load igraph
, a graph package in R.
Now we can make graphs from adjacency matrices within nt
and find node centralities.
nt <- function(d) {
DM <- dist[] < d
diag(DM) = 0
g <- graph.adjacency(DM)
btwn <- betweenness(g, directed = FALSE)
close <- closeness(g, mode = "out")
degree <- degree(g)
return(list(betweenness.centralities = btwn, closeness.centralities = close, degree.centralities = degree))
Now you have a basic yet useful function to generate many networks and find node properties in those networks!! Learn more
Written on October 30, 2016