Unlimited networks (IV)

Now we need to do something a little bit more challenging. It is not too bad, however. The idea is really logical and may even come intuitively.

What we need to do is to use the four boundary values of the plot - the minimal x-coordinate, the maximal x-coordinate, the minimal y-coordinate and the maximal y-coordiate, to delete the nodes within d km to plot margins and also delete the nodes that these nodes sharing the same compartments with.

rec <- function(d, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax) {

Now the new functions have 5 parameters. However, we will do it step by step. The following function does not incorporate values of plot boundaries yet, but it tells us which nodes belong to which compartments.

rec <- function(d) {
    DM <- dist[] < d
    diag(DM) = 0
    I <- diag(1, nrow=nrow(dist), ncol=ncol(dist))
    D <- sapply(1:nrow(dist), function(z) DM[,z]/(z+1)) 
    inv <- solve(I-D)
    x_cord <- function(x) data$x[x] #x-coordinates of nodes
    y_cord <- function(x) data$y[x] #y-coordinates of nodes
    cmtsize <- function(x) length(which(inv[,x]!=0)) #compartment sizes of nodes
    comp <- function(x) which(inv[,x]!=0)[1] #compartment identities
    node_prop <- list()
    N <- nrow(dist)
    for (i in 1:N) {
      node_prop[[i]] = data.frame(x_cord = x_cord(i), y_cord = y_cord(i), compartment_id = comp(i), compartment_size = cmtsize(i)
    nodeproperties <- do.call(rbind, node_prop)

Within this function, compartment_size reports the compartment size of the compartment each node belongs to. On the other hand, compartment_id reports the identity of each compartment that each node belongs to.

We will use the results of rec to improve the function itself by deleting undesired nodes.

We need to load library Hmisc.


rec <- function(d, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax) {
    DM <- dist[] < d
    diag(DM) = 0
    I <- diag(1, nrow=nrow(dist), ncol=ncol(dist))
    D <- sapply(1:nrow(dist), function(z) DM[,z]/(z+1)) 
    inv <- solve(I-D)
    x_cord <- function(x) data$x[x] #x-coordinates of nodes
    y_cord <- function(x) data$y[x] #y-coordinates of nodes
    cmtsize <- function(x) length(which(inv[,x]!=0)) #compartment sizes of nodes
    comp <- function(x) which(inv[,x]!=0)[1] #compartment identities
    node_prop <- list()
    N <- nrow(dist)
    for (i in 1:N) {
      node_prop[[i]] = data.frame(x_cord = x_cord(i), y_cord = y_cord(i), compartment_id = comp(i), compartment_size = cmtsize(i)
    nodeproperties <- do.call(rbind, node_prop)
    p1 <- nodeproperties$compartment_id[which(nodeproperties$y_cord > ymax - d)]
    p2 <- nodeproperties$compartment_id[which(nodeproperties$y_cord < ymin + d)]
    p3 <- nodeproperties$compartment_id[which(nodeproperties$x_cord < xmin + d)]
    p4 <- nodeproperties$compartment_id[which(nodeproperties$x_cord > xmax - d)]

    unidt1 <- unique(p1)
    unidt2 <- unique(p2)
    unidt3 <- unique(p3)
    unidt4 <- unique(p4)
    unidt <- unique(c(unidt1, unidt2, unidt3, unidt4))

    filtered_nodes <- subset(nodeproperties, compartment_id %nin% unidt)

Voila, now you have the nodes that you need for further analyses!!

Written on October 31, 2016